The AHA is saddened to learn of the passing of Emeritus Professor Alan Frost FRHistS FAHA. Alan was a leading figure at La Trobe University where he was appointed to the English Department in 1970. A writer by training, he became a leading historian of European imperialism in Australia with the publication of Convicts and Empire: A Naval Question, 1776—1811 (1980) and Arthur Phillip, 1738—1814: His Voyaging (1987). His later work in this field included Botany Bay Mirages: Illusions of Convict Australia (1994), East Coast Country: A North Queensland Dreaming (1996), Voyage of the Endeavour (1998), The Global Reach of Empire: Britain’s Maritime Expansion in the Indian and Pacific Oceans 1764—1815 (2003), Botany Bay: The Real Story (2011) and The First Fleet: The Real Story (2012). He was a valued Fellow of the Royal Historical Society in London and the Australian Academy of the Humanities in Canberra. The State Library of NSW acquired Alan’s global digital archive in 2014. The AHA extends its deepest sympathies to his family, friends and peers.