History at Universities in the Media
AHA president Michelle Arrow recently appeared on Saturday Extra on ABC Radio National, talking to Nick Bryant about the future of history given the current landscape of reduced numbers of international students
History Australia is the official journal of the Australian Historical Association, and is proudly published by Taylor & Francis. All members of the AHA receive a subscription to the journal. History Australia aims to reflect the concerns, publish the research and increase the professional self-awareness of historians making, teaching and applying history, particularly in Australia.
The Australian Historical Association is delighted to be holding its annual AHA Conference from 30 June to 4 July, jointly hosted by James Cook University and Central Queensland University. The local organising committee of historians from JCU’s College of Arts, Society and Education, and CQU’s School of Education and the Arts are excited to welcome historians from around Australia and the world to Townsville on Bindal and Wulgurukaba Country to share their new research and engage one another on the pressing questions facing our discipline and our communities, under the theme of "Looking Up."
The Australian Historical Association was founded in 1973 and is the peak national organisation of historians working in all fields of history. We have over 900 members represented by an Executive Committee drawn from all over the country.
The AHA is committed to quality and integrity in the practice of history and advocacy on issues relating to the history profession in Australia.
AHA president Michelle Arrow recently appeared on Saturday Extra on ABC Radio National, talking to Nick Bryant about the future of history given the current landscape of reduced numbers of international students
Congratulations to AHA member Penny Edmonds for being named as one of 20 new fellows elected to the Fellowship of the Academy of Social Sciences, in recognition of her leadership and innovation
Congratulations to AHA member Alison Downham-Moore for being named as one of 41 new fellows elected to the Fellowship of the Australian Academy of the Humanities, for her ‘outstanding contribution to the
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Congratulations to Robert Bowker and Matthew Jordan on the publication of Australia and the Suez Crisis 1950 – 1957 (DFAT). Commissioned by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade for
The Australian Historical Association welcomes the federal government’s recently announced proposal, if re-elected, to reduce the HECS-HELP debt burden on Australian university graduates by twenty per cent. Higher education fee
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