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This page is only available to AHA members.
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The Australian Historical Association’s Postgraduate Database is an online register of all self-reporting Australian doctoral candidates working in the field of history, or on history-related topics. This register is intended, as far as is possible, to offer viewers the most comprehensive listing of all active postgraduate work in Australian history, and to enable postgraduates to reach out to one another for research, collaboration, teaching and other related purposes.
Any member of the Australian Historical Association can access this database. If you are not a member of the AHA, you can sign up today for $85, which grants you access to the database, as well as other Members Only content on our website, regular updates about opportunities in history, and more.
This database is intended for HDR candidates’ own use. The database will enable HDRs across Australia to identify and correspond with peers in their respective fields, and facilitate outreach and engagement between candidates working in different institutions, different geographic locations, and in different academic networks. Further, it will make you and your work more visible discoverable to Australia’s community of historians and historical researchers more broadly, for whom the AHA acts as a peak body.
If you are not affiliated with a specific institution, you are still more than welcome to complete the other field in the survey, and write N/A in the “Institution” field.
The AHA postgraduate database will not provide or share any personal or confidential information. It intends to present your institutional email address, which may already be visible in your institution’s intranet system, or on your institution’s website. HDR candidates’ addresses, contact details, personal details and other data WILL NOT be published in this resource. Further, you are free to leave absent any field that you feel might compromise your privacy. That said, if you are concerned about publishing any of these details online, you are not at all obliged to enrol for this database.
The craft of history involves many different intellectual and conceptual frameworks that help define and categorise research output. By adopting three fields, you are identifying three fields of historical inquiry, or modes of historical research, that are most appropriate to you. This can help you define and clarify your public profile as a researcher, and help others discover your work and your areas of expertise more quickly. Once the database is running, categorisation will also help you to identify other postgraduates who share similar research interests or frameworks to yourself. Many fields are loosely defined; others have explicit definitional debates – our list is not exhaustive or intended as a scholarly intervention.
This database will be updated routinely. If you or your details change, you can use the link on the AHA website to re-enter your data, and your Postgraduate Representative will update your details. If you don’t have a thesis title yet, don’t worry! You can list a broad description and re-enter your data once you have decided a working title.
© 2021 Australian Historical Association