History Australia

History Australia is the official journal of the Australian Historical Association, and is proudly published by Taylor & Francis. All members of the AHA receive a subscription to the journal.

It is one of the leading journals for history in and of Australasia, as demonstrated by its current high Scimago ranking. History Australia aims to reflect the concerns of historians making, teaching and applying history in both Australia and its region. It publishes high quality and innovative scholarship in any field.

The journal is published in both print and online formats.

Australian Historical Association members can get free access to History Australia content by logging into the Australian Historical Association website and following this link.

Current Editorial Team:

Editors: Dr Laura Rademaker (Australian National University), Dr Yves Rees (La Trobe University) and Associate Professor Alecia Simmonds (University of Technology Sydney)

Assistant Editor: Dr Karen Downing

Book Review Editors: Dr Elizabeth Roberts-Pedersen (University of Newcastle) and Mirela Cufurovic (Charles Sturt University)

Please do not send unsolicited books to our Book Review Editors. Send inquires via email to elizabeth.roberts-pedersen@newcastle.edu.au

History Off the Page Editor: Dr Simon Farley (University of Melbourne)

Social Media Editor: Dr Jacquelyn Baker (Deakin University)

History Australia emailkaren.downing@anu.edu.au

Mailing address for History Australia: Level 5, RSSS Building, 146 Ellery Crescent, The Australian National University, Acton ACT 2601