Oral History Australia are pleased to announce the appointment of Skye Krichauff (University of Adelaide) and Carla Pascoe Leahy (University of Melbourne) as the new joint editors of Oral History Australia Journal. Skye and Carla aim to build on the excellent work of Sue Anderson (President, International Oral History Association), who has edited the journal for the past eight years.
Recognising that oral historians are a diverse community—comprising local historians, GLAM professionals, heritage consultants, professional historians, academic historians, journalists and more—the reinvigorated Oral History Australia Journal will continue to be a forum for a wide range of practitioners. Skye and Carla plan to develop strongly-themed special issues and to feature scholarly articles interpreting original research and reflective articles that analyse historiographical trends. Welcoming project and conference reports along with book and exhibition reviews, the editors also intend to introduce a regular ‘Q and A’ session with an oral history practitioner. They will explore ways to refresh the visual format of the journal and hope to include aural versions of select articles.
Skye and Carla warmly welcome all suggestions, submissions and queries from oral historians interested in contributing to the journal. Non-peer-reviewed material for the next edition of the journal is due 31 May 2019. Please contact the editors via email: skye.krichauff@adelaide.edu.au and carla.pascoeleahy@unimelb.edu.au