On Wednesday the 3rd of April, the Federal Government tabled the Inquiry into Canberra’s National Institutions Report, titled ‘Telling Australia’s Story – and Why it’s Important’. The inquiry focused on Canberra’s Museum of Australian Democracy, National Film and Sound Archive, National Gallery, National Library, National Museum, National Portrait Gallery, Australian War Memorial and National Archives of Australia, as well as a wide range of other national institutions. The resultant report examined these national institutions’ strategic value, engagement with the Australian people, governance and resourcing challenges. The report contains 20 recommendations around: shared national narratives; shared institutional branding, campaigning, exhibitions, storage and digitisation; encouragement of ‘new migrant’ and student engagement with national institutions; review or expansion of various institutions’ visitor and educational services, exhibition focuses, strategic planning, location or maintenance; future audits of Collecting Institutions’ processes; a case study for a natural history museum; and review of various aspects of current efficiency dividends. The AHA will respond to the report in more detail in due course.