This project is will focus on how people (especially consumers) have thought about food safety over time. By taking a cultural history approach to food safety the project will consider how food safety creates – materially, symbolically and experientially – a set of ways of thinking and acting, resulting in knowledge that is embedded in institutional practices and discourses. Projects may focus on a specific geographical exemplar, or on connections between points, or on a specific issue/product. Please note, however, that although a geographic and temporal focus is not stipulated, this is a historical project and requires a background in History or Food Studies. The Imagined Food Safeties project stems from key themes in Dr Tarulevicz’s ARC Discovery Grant, such as technology, and transnational flows of products and ideas. Applicants should contact the primary supervisor, and submit their Expression of Interest (EOI) and Application as soon as possible.
Applications due 31 October 2019