The Honest History website has new material, as advised in Honest History’s Newsletter No. 45. There are reviews of Australian Lives, edited by Anisa Puri and Alistair Thomson, Ashton’s Hotel, Rhonnda Harris’s edition of the diaries of the first governor of the Adelaide Gaol, and The Vimy Trap, by Canadian authors, Ian McKay and Jamie Swift. (‘Vimyism’ in Canada has remarkable parallels to ‘Anzackery’ in Australia.) As well, there is Turkish professor, Ayhan Aktar, on how the Turkish history of Gallipoli has changed over a century, with Islamist interpretations now prevailing. Then, there is close analysis of the FBI file on Leslie Cyril Jauncey, author of The Story of Conscription in Australia and Australia’s Government Bank. Why was he a person of interest?