Issue 19.3 of History Australia is now available in full online. The issue is stuffed with exciting historical work, including reviews by AHA members Adrien McCrory, Christina Twomey, Lauren Samuelsson, Jennifer McLaren and Natalie Fong. The list of articles is below:
Caitlin Adams, ‘Thinking the empire poor: plebeian petitions for clemency in Britain and New South Wales’;
David Roth, ‘In Defence of William Chidley’;
Anita Stelmach, “‘It was pandemonium let loose’: rioting, resistance and punishment at the early twentieth-century Girls’ Reformatory at Redruth, South Australia’;
Romain Fathi, ‘Suppressing an ‘undesirable public controversy’: Corpses, the Department of Defence, and the Australian Graves Services, 1919-1921’;
Jessie Matheson, ‘The Fourth Service: recognition and invisibility in the Australian Women’s Land Army’;
Shane Homan and Jen Rose, ‘The Catcher: Melbourne’s 1960s discotheques and law and order’;
Mia Martin Hobbs, ‘Calamity or commodity? Conceptualizing security in the nuclear debate in Fraser’s Australia’;
Nikki Sullivan, Craig Middleton, Liz Grandmaison, Milli Wheeler, ‘Bi-focals, beards, and butches: queering history in museums’;
C.R. Pennell, ‘The history of Islam and the early Ottoman Empire in year 7 and 8 Australian secondary school history textbooks’.
Print subscriptions should arrive in the mail soon! Access online by logging in to the AHA website.