The Australian Historical Association is delighted to announce the election of the 2022-2024 Executive Committee at the Annual General Meeting on 30 June 2022. We sincerely thank the outgoing Executive Committee for their outstanding work over the last two years.
Elected Members:
President: Frank Bongiorno
Vice President: Michelle Arrow
Secretary: Ben Jones
Treasurer: Romain Fathi
Ordinary Members (5 positions): Nancy Cushing, Carolyn Holbrook, Jane Lydon, Carla Pascoe Leahy, Christina Twomey
Postgraduate reps: Ruby Ekkel, Simon Farley
ECR reps: Rohan Howitt, Ebony Nilsson, Anna Temby
Co-opted Members:
Immediate Past President: Melanie Oppenheimer
Conference Convenors: Jon Piccini/ Ben Mountford
History Australia Editors: Kate Fullagar, Jessica Lake, Ben Mountford, Ellen Warne
HTAA Representative: Megan Tucker