Congratulations to Margaret Cook, for A River with a City Problem: A History of Brisbane Floods (University of Queensland Press), and Jessica White, for Hearing Maud (UWA Publishing). Both have been announced as finalists for the Courier-Mail’s People’s Choice Queensland Book of the Year Award. Voting is now open for anyone resident in Australia.
Congratulations to Luke Keogh for winning the Maurice Daumas Prize from the International Committee of History of Technology, awarded for the best article published in the history of technology in 2019. Luke’s article was “The Wardian Case: Environmental Histories of a Box for Moving Plants”, Environment and History 25 (2019), 219-244.
Congratulations to those AHA members successful in obtaining ARC Future Fellowships, including Andrea Gaynor for “Wild cities: an environmental history of urban nature in Australia”, Kama Maclean for “A Sonic Approach to Anticolonialism in Interwar India”, and Susanne Protschky for “Decolonisation and photography in Southeast Asia: Histories and legacies”.