The Award of $1,000 aims to assist and encourage an outstanding student undertaking research in Women’s History. It is awarded:
- to an outstanding female honours or research higher degree student enrolled in a New South Wales University in 2018
- for a research project dealing with an Australian woman, or an Australian women’s organisation or movement, or with a significant aspect of Australian History that enhances understandings of Australian women past and/or present.
The successful Awardee must be
- an Australian citizen or permanent resident
- available to attend the NCW Australia Day Award Ceremony in the Strangers’ Dining Room at Parliament House in January 2019
- prepared to present a paper on her research at a time and place negotiated with sponsors
In making the Award (other things being equal) preference will be given to a student who
- has dealt with disadvantage or disability in her undergraduate or post-graduate course
- is enrolled in a regional university.
Applications must include:
- Student name, postal and email addresses, mobile phone no, headshot photo
- University name, course name & code no
- Course Supervisor’s name, email address, phone no
- Brief description of research project (200-250 words)
- Any personal information relevant to the application (max 250 words)
Applications due 30 October 2018.
Applications are to be forwarded to: Dr Wendy Michaels and Marlene Reid