Australian Mining History Association Conference Student Travel Grants

The Association has available on a competitive basis, two travel grants to enable student presenters to participate in the 25th Annual Conference to be held this year at Atherton in the Cairns Hinterland, Queensland. The conference will be held from 8-12 July, 2019, with a pre-conference tour on 7 July and a post-conference tour on 13-14 July.

The grants will consist of:

  • $1,000 for travel and accommodation
  • free conference registration, conference dinner and excursions
  • 12 months free Student Membership of the Association (including the Journal of  Australasian Mining History)

A requirement for a recipient of a grant will be an oral presentation at the conference. Presentations on any aspect of mining history will be considered. Presentations are to be a maximum of 20 minutes in length, plus 5 minutes for questions. For further information on the conference see

If you are a post-graduate, Honours or final year undergraduate student and would like to be considered for a travel grant, please email a cover letter to the Convenor of the AMHA Travel Grants Committee, along with an abstract of your proposed presentation and a brief curriculum vitae by the deadline (see below). In the cover letter, an applicant should explain what he/she hopes to gain from the conference. While applications are welcomed from any student researchers, preference will be given to those students whose studies are intended to lead to a career in history or heritage.

If successful, applicants must accept the grant within 14 days after the offer is received. Successful candidates will be expected to participate in at least the full official conference (8-12 July). Recipients of a grant shall not be eligible for further grants.

Grant applications and questions should be submitted by 30 April 2019 to: Dr Ross Both, Convener, AMHA Travel Grants Committee, at