In accordance with the Constitution of the Australian Historical Association, elections are held every two years for membership of the Association’s Executive Committee. The term of office for the incoming Executive will be from the date of the Annual General Meeting in 2020 to that of the Annual General Meeting in 2022.
A thoughtful, hard working committee is vital to the success of the Association’s work. Committee members attend four meetings each year and take responsibility for the areas of: research; teaching and learning; membership; conferences; prizes and awards; and, AHA-Copyright Agency Conference Bursaries. This is your chance to contribute to the growth and effectiveness of the AHA.
Nominations are called for the following positions:
- President
- Vice-President
- Honorary Secretary
- Honorary Treasurer
- Five (5) Ordinary Members
- Postgraduate Representative
- Early Career Researcher Representative
Only currently financial AHA members may nominate or be nominated. Nominations must be in writing, using the nomination form, and must be signed by the nominator and seconder, as well as the nominee.
Nominations must reach the Australian Historical Association by Monday 1 June 2020. Please email the nomination form to Bethany Phillips-Peddlesden at
If more than one nomination for any position is received by the due date, an election will take place at the AGM on-line on Thursday 2nd July 2020. If insufficient nominations are received by the due date, nominations will be called for during the meeting.
Further information about the current Executive Committee are available on the AHA website. Descriptions of the Executive Committee positions and what they involve can be found here.