The AHA ECR blog has been running for over two years now, and in that time has run many excellent, provocative, and thoughtful pieces from junior and senior scholars alike.
The blog is currently maintained by AHA ECR representative André Brett, and he is seeking participants for blog features in 2019. If you are interested in being involved in one of the existing series, or wish to propose something new, please get in touch. Current series include “the book (or other object) that changed my life”, how to guides, and Q&A features. There are separate Q&As for ECRs and for more established historians, both of which are a great opportunity to share your research, acknowledge your influences, and to air opinions on the state of the discipline (the blog is not averse to a spicy take or two!). In response to feedback, there will be an Academics With Children series in 2019 to discuss experiences and current issues facing parents in the tertiary sector. This is open to scholars at any stage, with children of any age.
If you would like to be involved, email André at (an established scholar interested in writing a “how to… survive your first academic conference” for new historians would be especially welcome).