The two annual AHA prizes were announced at the conference dinner on Thursday 6 July 2017. Congratulations to James Findlay, who won the 2017 Jill Roe Prize for an unpublished history essay by a postgraduate student with his ‘Cinematic Landscapes, Dark Tourism and the Ghosts of Port Arthur’ (full citation here) and to Benjamin Mountford whose project ‘A Global History of Australian Gold’ won the 2017 Allan Martin Award, a research fellowship aimed at assisting early-career historians further their research in Australian history (full citation here). Congratulations also to Vannessa Hearman, who was highly commended by the Allan Martin Award judges for her project, ‘Dealing with the Timorese “Boat People”: Australian and Indonesian Government Responses to the 1995 arrival in Darwin of the Timorese asylum seekers aboard the Tasi Diak’. They were particularly impressed with this exciting project on a relatively recent history, which promises to shed new insights on the history and experiences of asylum seekers in Australia.