15-16 August 2019, Macquarie University
Most Americans and many non-Americans know it as the Vietnam War. The Vietnamese refer to it as the American War. And some historians prefer to label it the Second Indochina War, both to distinguish it from the French struggle to re-establish empire after World War II and to acknowledge the central place of Laos and Cambodia in the conflict. But the war waged in those countries during the 1960s and early 1970s also had a ripple effect across the broader Asia Pacific region. Given renewed debate in the twenty-first century about the arc and impact of great power competition in the region, it is especially timely to reconsider these and other aspects of the Pacific World experiences and legacies of the Vietnam War. Convenors are seeking papers that address geopolitical, diplomatic, economic, cultural, and social aspects of the Vietnam War as a Pacific War. Papers can focus on particular places within the Pacific World, and/or on broader cross-cutting themes. All papers will be considered for an edited volume that will be produced based on the workshop. Any researchers who cannot travel to Sydney in August, but who would still like to propose a chapter for the edited volume, are also encouraged to submit an abstract.
Abstracts due 25 March 2019