Congratulations to the winner and those shortlisted for the 2022 Australian Historical Studies Patricia Grimshaw Prize, awarded biennially to highlight excellence in an article and one that makes a significant contribution to our understanding of Australian history.
Kate Gleeson, ‘Refining the National Family: Children’s Institutions and Their Aftermath, Ireland and Australia’, AHS 51:4 (2020)
Robyn Blewer, ‘Testing the Law and Testing a Child’s Evidence: Nineteenth-Century Corroboration Reforms and Child Witness Testimony’, AHS 51:3 (2020);
Emma Christopher, ‘Far More than Money: British West Indian Slavery, Emancipation, and Australia’s Sugar Industry’, AHS 52:4 (2021);
Ann Curthoys, ‘Family Violence and Colonisation’, AHS 51:2 (2020),
Katherine Ellinghaus & Judi Wickes, ‘A Moving Female Frontier: Aboriginal Exemption and Domestic Service in Queensland, 1897–1914’, AHS 51:1 (2020);
Catherine Kevin, ‘Tyrants, Heroes, Sex and Secrets: Foundational Histories of Domestic Violence, Turning Points in Historiography and the Legacy of Judith A. Allen in Australia’, AHS, 51:2 (2020);