Congratulations to the winner and shortlist for the 2022 Australian Historical Studies Patricia Grimshaw Prize

Congratulations to the winner and those shortlisted for the 2022 Australian Historical Studies Patricia Grimshaw Prize, awarded biennially to highlight excellence in an article and one that makes a significant contribution to our understanding of Australian history.


Kate Gleeson, ‘Refining the National Family: Children’s Institutions and Their Aftermath, Ireland and Australia’, AHS 51:4 (2020)


Robyn Blewer, ‘Testing the Law and Testing a Child’s Evidence: Nineteenth-Century Corroboration Reforms and Child Witness Testimony’, AHS 51:3 (2020);

Emma Christopher, ‘Far More than Money: British West Indian Slavery, Emancipation, and Australia’s Sugar Industry’, AHS 52:4 (2021);

Ann Curthoys, ‘Family Violence and Colonisation’, AHS 51:2 (2020),

Katherine Ellinghaus & Judi Wickes, ‘A Moving Female Frontier: Aboriginal Exemption and Domestic Service in Queensland, 1897–1914’, AHS 51:1 (2020);

Catherine Kevin, ‘Tyrants, Heroes, Sex and Secrets: Foundational Histories of Domestic Violence, Turning Points in Historiography and the Legacy of Judith A. Allen in Australia’, AHS, 51:2 (2020);

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