AHA AGM and 2024-2026 Executive Committee

As members will be aware, the 2024 Annual General Meeting was held on Wednesday 3 July. In addition to the passage of two Special Resolutions, the AGM selected its Executive Committee for the next two years. We record our collective thanks to the outgoing Executive Committee for their energy and service to the organisation, along with all of the nominees for the new Executive Committee who demonstrated their generosity in their willingness to stand.

The AHA Executive Committee is now as follows:

President: Michelle Arrow 

Vice President: Kate Fullagar

Secretary: Richard Scully

Treasurer: Peter Hobbins

Ordinary Members: Nancy Cushing, Carolyn Holbrook, Matt Fitzpatrick, Katie Holmes, Claire Lowrie 

Postgraduate reps: Matilda Hatcher and Harrison Croft

ECR reps: Meg Foster and Caroline Ingram 

History Australia Representative: Yves Rees 

Co-opted Members: 

Immediate Past President: Frank Bongiorno

Conference Convenors: Ben Jones

HTAA Representative: Megan Tucker