The Australian Army History Unit (History | is offering to sponsor one HDR student and one ECR Historian to attend the 2022 AHA Conference “Urgent Histories” being held at Deakin University in Geelong.
Applicants must be presenting on a theme related to the history of the Australian Army. The interpretation of this requirement will be quite broad, and include papers related to relevant social, economic, environmental and other histories that have a demonstrated tie to the Australian Army. Applicants’ papers should be available for inclusion in a conflict histories stream sponsored by the AAHU, which can be in concert with other streams if there is a relevant panel that covers both.
Funding available:
Sponsorship for the selected candidates will include:
- Return travel within Australia
- Accommodation
- AHA conference entry
- AHA conference dinner
- Meals and incidentals allowance
Applicants should send their contact details (including email address, phone number and location), conference proposal (including bio and abstract), and an indication of whether they are a HDR student or an ECR to
Applications close 5pm, Monday 23 May 2022 AEST.
Further enquiries can be directed to, or by phone to Miesje de Vogel (Historian, AAHU) on 0425 799 784.