The AHA has been a consistent critic of the Job-ready Graduates package and its gross impost on humanities students since the measure was introduced by the Morrison Government in 2021. The abolition of the package was a pivotal recommendation of the Australian Universities Accord’s Final Report, which was published earlier this year. The failure of the recent federal budget to abolish the package has been a matter of significant disappointment for the AHA and humanities scholars more broadly. Michelle Arrow, Frank Bongiorno, Carolyn Holbrook and Joshua Black recently published an op ed for the Pearls & Irritations that reaffirms the importance of humanities scholarship and teaching in a world of increasing disinformation and democratic decay. Frank has reiterated these points in a recent newsletter penned in his capacity as President of the Council of the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (CHASS). The AHA remains steadfast in its advocacy against the JRG package and encourages the Albanese Government to abolish it at the earliest opportunity.