The NLA is currently upgrading its outdated heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, necessitating the temporary relocation of the Special Collections and Petherick Reading Rooms. In logistic terms, this means the relocation of 60 staff and 18.8 kilometres of collections material offsite, and the closure of some public spaces. The Special Collections and Petherick Reading Rooms on Level 1 will close on Friday 23 August, and reopen on Lower Ground 1 (the space known as the old Maps Reading Room) on Monday 26 August. There will continue to be reserved space for Petherick Readers in the temporary space. Collection requests will continue as normal, although they are likely to be reduced in number. Selected rare books, significant and fragile unpublished materials will be unavailable until 1 September 2024. The Asian Collections will be unavailable from 1 July 2024 for an expected period of 12 months. The NLA expect the reading rooms to return to Level 1 in approximately 12 months.