Congratulations to Weston Bate, Richard Broome, Nicole Davis, Andrew May and Helen Stitt on the publication of The Story of Melbourne’s Lanes: Essential but Unplanned

Congratulations to Weston Bate, Richard Broome, Nicole Davis, Andrew May and Helen Stitt on the publication of The Story of Melbourne’s Lanes: Essential but Unplanned (Royal Historical Society of Victoria with the State Library of Victoria). This book is an RHSV publication (in partnership with the State Library of Victoria) which expands on a popular but now well out-of-print book by historian Weston Bate, Essential but Unplanned: The Story of Melbourne’s Lanes (1994). The new book (280 pages) more than doubles the size of the old with extra chapters to bring the story of Melbourne’s lanes up-to-date. There is a multitude of new photos – both contemporary and historical, both colour and black-and-white and more comprehensive indices.  Congratulations to the authors, RHSV and SLV!

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