Comments on: Allan Martin Award – Previous Winners The site for and about historians working in or on Australia. Mon, 08 Jul 2024 05:57:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: 2020 AHA Awards and Prizes Winners – The Australian Historical Association Sun, 05 Jul 2020 22:35:32 +0000 http://localhost/wordpress/?page_id=387#comment-147 […] joint winners are Alexandra Dellios, ‘Remembering Migrant Protest and Activism: the Migrant Rights Movement in pre-Multicultural Austra…‘ and Mike Jones, ‘Culture, common law, and science: representing deep human history […]

By: 2016 winners of AHA prizes and awards – The Australian Historical Association Thu, 07 Jul 2016 13:56:41 +0000 http://localhost/wordpress/?page_id=387#comment-3 […] The winner is Ruth Morgan, ‘Australindia: Australia, India and the Ecologies of Empire, 1788–1901’ […]
