The well attended AHA AGM was conducted via Zoom on the 1st of July 2021. Portfolio holders all reported on their myriad activities, the annual report was presented and a number of awards and prizes were announced (see separate news items).
A number of Special Resolutions and Motions were also passed with an overwhelming majority during the meeting:
The Special Resolution to amend the AHA Constitution was passed. Please find the revised Constitution attached.
The Special Resolution to create a new AHA membership category was passed. The new category is Professorial Individual Membership – for Associate Professors and Professors (Level D & E or equivalent) in full-time paid employment – Price: $200 per year.
The following members’ Sustainability motion was also passed:
‘That the Australian Historical Association recognises that the world confronts a climate emergency, and that historians have a responsibility in these times of environmental crisis to consider how their working lives might become more sustainable.
The Australian Historian Association commits itself to appraising how sustainability can be incorporated into the work of the organisation, including its investment portfolio. It commits to advocating for sustainability by encouraging history departments, universities, journals, publishers, conferences and funding bodies to move to more environmentally responsible models.’
See 2020-2021 Signed audited accounts as presented at the AGM.
We would like to thank all attendees.